Suboxone for Opioid Addiction

Are you chemically dependent – addicted – to an opiate or similar drug? Some of these drugs include Vicodin, Oxycontin, morphine, Dilaudid, heroin, etc. Do you want to free yourself of your addiction? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then Suboxone therapy can be effective for you. Suboxone treatment works to deter your addiction to drugs used for pain relief.

If you are addicted to an opiate, chances are you probably already know it. However, sometimes it can be difficult to admit it to yourself – and especially others. In short, if you crave more of your drug of choice or simply need it to function, you are likely addicted. Suboxone, offered in our Dallas office, is specifically designed for the treatment of opiate dependence. The good news about Suboxone is that it can begin to help with your cravings virtually overnight, and nobody can tell you’re using it. In other words, you can work, interact socially, drive, and function normally while taking Suboxone.

When you take it, the Suboxone takes the place of opiates in brain receptors, helping to suppress any withdrawal symptoms or cravings for your chosen opiate drug. Despite the absence of cravings, patients may choose to relapse. However, while Suboxone is the in system a patient cannot benefit from the opiate. This helps prevent patients from relapsing, as well as gives them a chance to stop using again without the impending withdrawal.

Deciding to use Suboxone to treat your opiate problem in Dallas does not mean you have chosen to replace one drug with another. Suboxone does not create a euphoric sensation when taken. No matter how much Suboxone you take, it will never result in getting high. It simply causes you to feel normal.

There are three stages of Suboxone treatment:


Suboxone induction is the process you use to stop taking your opiate of choice. Don’t worry, this process will only last a short time (usually 2-3 hours), after which you will take one or more Suboxone tablets. These tablets will free you of your craving, helping you feel normal again.


You will not be alone in your journey to free yourself from opiate addiction. During the maintenance phase, you will see your clinician at The Holiner Psychiatric Group regularly to monitor your progress. During this time, your clinician will adjust your dosage if necessary and address any questions or issues you may have. At The Holiner Psychiatric Group, our clinicians don’t stop there. We will continue to help you throughout your journey by providing support and ongoing counseling in order to minimize your risk of relapse.

Medical Taper

The last phase of Suboxone treatment is the medical taper phase. In this phase, you and your healthcare team at The Holiner Psychiatric Group will determine if the time is right to begin slowly tapering down your dose of Suboxone.

The Holiner Psychiatric Group has psychiatrists who specialize in the use of Suboxone treatment for opiate addiction. Call us for an appointment at our Dallas office today or simply fill out the form on this page, and we’ll start the process of freeing you from your opiate addiction.