For Immediate Release
Aditya Sharma, M.D. Joins the Holiner Psychiatric Group
July 27, 2009 – Dallas, TX: : Dr. Joel Holiner, Medical Director of the Holiner Psychiatric Group, announces Aditya Sharma, M.D. has accepted the position of Associate Psychiatrist at the Holiner Group’s Medical City Dallas location.
“With his expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of mood and anxiety disorders in adults, ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders, Dr. Sharma will add a valuable perspective to the practice,” remarked Dr. Holiner. “He has also demonstrated a passion for helping abused and traumatized children reintegrate and readjust to social life and lead normal, productive lives.”
Dr. Sharma has been an advocate for providing the best available treatment and resources for children with mental retardation and childhood developmental disorders, including Autistic spectrum disorders. He completed his residency and fellowship training at The University of Virginia, and is board certified in adult, child and adolescent psychiatry. He specializes in the treatment of children and adolescents.
For more information, please visit
Interview Contact: Suzan Reicherts
Holiner Psychiatric Group
The Holiner Psychiatric Group
Medical City Dallas
7777 Forest Lane, Suite 833-C
Dallas, TX 75230-2501
Phone: (972) 566-4591