Computerized Psychological Testing in Dallas

Children, adolescents, and adults may be referred to us for Computerized Psychological Testing in Dallas, to better understand and determine the core components of their psychological or mental well-being. Sometimes with children and adolescents, it can be difficult to understand why they are struggling in school or in other social environments.

What is Psychological Testing?

Psychological Testing helps us to better determine the best plan of action by allowing patients to answer questions about their daily activities, difficulties, personal history and much more. This type of test also helps our psychologists to better understand the patient’s overall intellectual functioning. The importance of Computerized Psychological Testing is that is provides data that otherwise cannot be obtained by simply spending time with the patient. This type of assessment measures a patient’s real-time results. Meaning, we are able to see what is happening in your mind as it happens.

How Does it Work?

At The Holiner Psychiatric Group, we perform these tests on an iPad in the convenience of our waiting room. These tests help us evaluate patients in a fast and painless way. Other benefits to computerized tests are that they eliminate human error, initiate human responses from patients and once finished the tests can interpreted and graded. Once the assessment is complete, the results are given to our clinicians to further evaluate. Depending on the type of assessment needed you may be asked to take one or multiple tests.
Some of the common uses of Computerized Psychological Testing are to determine if the patient in Dallas may have:

It is our goal at The Holiner Psychiatric Group to better understand the underlying issues that affect you or your loved one. With the specific, detailed information we gain from Computerized Psychological Testing in Dallas, we can recommend a unique treatment plan. Contact us by filling out the form on this page or by calling the Dallas office of The Holiner Psychiatric Group for evaluation today.