
How to Beat the Holiday Blues

How to Beat the Holiday Blues

Christmas and New Years are just days away! There are a lot of things to do and people to please. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of the holiday season. You may start to feel sad, lonely, overwhelmed, stressed, and even anxious because of the holiday demands. This seasonal anxiety has come to be known as the “holiday blues.” Other symptoms may include headaches, insomnia, intestinal problems, and unnecessary conflict with family and friends.

Causes of the Holiday Blues

Holiday blues can result from many different situations. They can due to the stressfulness of too many holiday events and overscheduling. Some people may also feel the financial burden of having to buy gifts for others. The holidays could lead to feelings of sadness and loneliness because it is a reminder of lost loved ones. You may also feel lonely or frustrated because you are unable to be with family and loved ones during this season.

Coping with Holiday Stress

The holiday blues and stress don’t have to last forever. These tips can help you cope with the holidays and hopefully grow to enjoy this time of year!

  • Accept & acknowledge your feelings: You don’t have to force yourself to be happy and festive just because it’s the holiday season. It’s okay to feel sad or overwhelmed. By accepting and acknowledging your feelings you’ll be less burdened to feel and act a certain way during the holidays.
  • Don’t overbook yourself: This time of year is full of holiday activities, events, and parties. There may be pressure to attend everything that you’re invited to. Learn to say no. Also, prioritize and schedule your time so that you are not overwhelming yourself.
  • Seek social support: If you’re feeling down, weary, stressed, or sad – seek close family, friends, and community. Isolation only feeds a depressed mood. Surrounding yourself and connecting with your support group is a good reminder there are people who truly care for you.
  • Avoid social media: People share a lot on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It may seem like other people are having the best time during the holidays and you may feel like you’re missing out. Remember: most people only showcase their best moments on social media. It is not a holistic picture of their entire lives. If participating in social media causes anxiety, loneliness, or stress – limit your time on it and spend time with those around you.
  • Find volunteer opportunities: The holiday season is all about giving back. There are many opportunities to serve your community. Consider giving back your money, time, and resources to those in need. Helping others can help you feel fulfilled and enhance your self-worth.
  • Don’t overindulge or overdrink: It’s easy to excuse overindulging or overdrinking because it’s the holiday season. However, alcohol is a depressant that will only feed your sadness. It’s best to eat and drink in moderation for your wellbeing.
  • Take a break: Don’t forget to take a break and spend some time on yourself during the holidays. Do what you love for your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. It’s just as important to care for yourself and learn to manage the stress, anxiety, and holiday blues.

Don’t let the holiday blues get the best of you! If you’re interested in setting up an initial appointment with our office, please call us or fill out our new patient request form.