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About NeuroStar TMS Therapy
NeuroStar uses transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to activate parts of the brain that are underactive in patients experiencing depression. TMS therapy is not the same as ECT (electroconvulsive therapy).
The exact cause of depression is still undetermined. However, the leading scientific theory is that depression is triggered by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain, which are chemical messengers that deliver information between brain cells.

What is NeuroStar Advanced Therapy (TMS)?
During a treatment session with NeuroStar, a magnet similar to those used in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine is used to stimulate key areas of the brain. These areas are believed to hold mood-controlling nerve cells, and the magnetic pulses may positively affect the brain’s neurotransmitter levels. This treatment makes long-term remission possible.
Treatment with NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is easy:
- NeuroStar therapy sessions are conducted at the Holiner Group office
- You can resume normal life activities immediately
- You are awake during the entire treatment
- There are no negative effects on memory or sleep
- Most health insurance plans cover it, including Medicare and Tricare
NeuroStar has Changed the lives of thousands. Maybe it can help you?
NeuroStar is the #1 physician-recommended TMS treatment, with over 4.3 million treatments performed in over 120,000 people.
A real-world study reported an 83% response rate. What does this mean?
83% of patients that have finished the NeuroStar treatment cycle noticed measurable improvement in their depression symptoms.
The same study revealed that, of the patients that completed an entire treatment cycle, 62% would not be diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder upon re-evaluation.

NeuroStar TMS therapy establishes comfort without the characteristics side effects of antidepressant
NeuroStar TMS is not a medication, “shock” therapy, or surgery. There is no sedation or healing time, and the NeuroStar treatment has even been described as relaxing for many patients. The common side effects are mild to moderate pain or discomfort.
Learn more about the complete list of potential side effects associated with NeuroStar.
NeuroStar TMS therapy has been FDA Cleared
What is FDA Cleared?
For a medical device to be ‘cleared’ by the FDA, the manufacturer must display that their product is “substantially equivalent to another legally marketed device” that already has FDA clearance or approval. If the device successfully proves its ‘substantial equivalence’ to one of these already-cleared products (also known as predicate), it will be ‘cleared’ and can then enter the market.
How is that different from FDA Approved?
This essentially comes down to the type of device in question.
There are three classes of medical devices as determined by the FDA. Products that have a higher risk, such as those implanted in a patient’s body or are life-sustaining, are designated to be in Class III.
Medical machines that are Class I and Class II are usually determined “cleared” by the FDA, while Class III devices are required to be ‘approved’. The FDA has classified the TMS system as a Class II device, meaning that ‘clearance’ is required rather than ‘approval’.

Contact Holiner Group today
With more than three million NeuroStar TMS treatments delivered, this novel treatment approach to achieving remission brings new hope to people every day.
Contact our office, and a member of our team will reach out to you to schedule a free TMS therapy consultation.
TMS Testimonials
Patient experiences with NeuroStar Advanced Therapy
treatment at our office in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex:
“My husband helped me find NeuroStar. There was so much care in the way they treated me in the consultation. When you learn that it’s non-invasive, it relieves what is expected of you. All you have to do is give it a chance!”
“After receiving treatment, I look forward to a lot of things that I didn’t really care to do anymore. It just shined a new light on my life.”
Contact Holiner Group today
Contact our office, and a member of our team will reach out to you to schedule a free TMS therapy consultation.
Visit neurostar.com for indications for use and safety information.